
The lovely things people say…


An outstanding teacher. In a music lesson, the teacher’s enthusiasm and energy were transmitted to the pupils who participated fully and clearly enjoyed the lesson immensely. They sang tunefully and made excellent progress.



Zoe is a very talented teacher who develops an excellent rapport with the pupils. Zoe plans her lessons to be dynamic and stretching for the different levels of attainment of the pupils. Her enthusiasm is reflected in the enthusiasm shown by the pupils and results in a very high standard of work which the pupils deliver. Zoe has gained a great deal of respect from parents who recognise the commitment and effort she puts in and the achievements of the pupils. Zoe gives unstintingly of her time and effort to the job of teaching and has been a source of energy and ideas.

Jack Ingram, Headteacher


You did an amazing job by providing a workshop for the children during half term. Not only did this provide a useful activity for them, they were given the ability to become more confident, be disciplined to work as team and put on a show in under 2 days!! Look forward to the next workshop. Well done!!

Kiran Kanda, Parent


High expectations and excellent subject knowledge which engaged the children’s interest and moved the learning on. Very clear explanations and a really well organised session Very good behaviour management – children remained focused throughout the session and listened really well.

Anne Williams, Consultant for Hounslow Primary Schools


Children engaged and focused from the start. Obvious enjoyment and clear understanding.

Denise Weeks, Deputy Headteacher


I have learned so much from you and have been frequently inspired by you – and we’ve had such fun too!

Lynda Murray, Teacher


Thank you for all your pearls of wisdom

Sarah Brooks, Teacher


You are an excellent and dedicated teacher. You always put the children first and deliver well presented and organised lessons.

Michelle, Teaching Assistant


I’m full of admiration for all you do and for the way you make it all fun.

Lucy Swanson, Parent Governor


You’ve done so much for me this year and you have given me a lot more confidence in myself. A really big thank you!

Kiran, Year 6


Thank you for being there for me and teaching me a lot about writing and planning a story. Thank you for being a brilliant teacher.

Phoebe Year 6


Miss A! You was the kindest ever!

Paul, Year 6


You are the best teacher I have ever had! You are nice, kind and patient when we get things wrong. When it’s down to you our performances go really well.

Lily, Year 6


Many thanks for all your support and patience with Harry. He has made exceptional progress this year and we are so proud of him.

Parent of Year 7 child


Michael has really grown up this year. He is not shy in class anymore. Thanks for being such a nice teacher to him.

Parent of Year 4 child


Thank you for all your help and support with Lucy. She is doing so well now and enjoying learning.

Parent of Year 4 child


Thank you for all the work you are doing with Ellie. I think you have really made a huge difference.

Parent of Year 5 child


Thank you for everything you have done for Joe. He’s benefited so much from your extra tuition. We’re not quite sure how he’d manage without you! It’s been a brilliant year for him and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Parent of Year 4 child


Thank you for your excellent tutoring. I really feel I’ve learned a lot from it and without it I wouldn’t have been able to have achieved a level 5.

Thames, Year 6


I am so thankful that you have tutored me. I have got so much better.

Nina, Year 6


Thank you for the tuition and understanding of our son Jonathon.

Parent of Year 5 child


Joe has really enjoyed this year and made great progress particularly with his reading. At the start of last year he would always say he didn’t like reading. This is no longer so and I feel this is entirely due to Miss Antoniades. She has introduced him to a wide range of exciting and challenging books that have really captured his imagination and made him realise that reading can be fun. He has been very lucky to have such an enthusiastic teacher.

Parent of Year 4 child


I know how much you have put into Anthony’s successes. Many thanks.

Parent of Year 6 child


Thank you SO much for all your amazing hard work and commitment on Street Scene. It was lovely working with you and you always had a smile.

Alex Brierley, Young Vic / Music for Youth


Thank you very much for your patience with the children. We appreciate very much your dedication. We are sure the performance at the Young Vic was a very good experience for them.

Parent of Year 6 child


The play was great and we had a blast.

Louise Thomas, Parent


Thanks so much for all your fabulous work. Music and Drama! Don’t know how you have done it all with so much commitment and passion.

Parent of Year 6 child


Thank you for nurturing my singing talent and creativity.

Guneet, Year 2


You’ve been the best music teacher we have ever had. You also created amazing opportunities and made music lessons much more exciting.

Pavleen, Year 5


We love your GREAT singing voice!

Alysha, Amber and Alannah


Thank you so much. You did a great job directing the Snow Queen.

Henry, Year 4


Thank you for putting together a very enjoyable play! You did a great job and I think it was the best one of all! Another thanks for organising the carol concert. You trained the choir up perfectly. You are a very hard working teacher and you put your heart into anything you do. You have made all the work I have done so fun! You are a very important part of the school and without you I wouldn’t be enjoying it that much!

Karim, Year 6


I really love music because of you.

Aleena, Year 5


Thank you Miss Antoniades to make a play with my daughter and this play was fantastic and you made a play in two days which was amazing and we thanks a lot from Simran’s mom.

Mrs Kaur, Parent


Wonderful Wizard of Oz! Zoe, amazing achievement with so many kids in so little time! I just wanted to say a big thanks for organizing the workshop; both Adeline and Calista loved it. Thay had a brilliant time and experience and they are still, a week later, filling our home with the songs. It was magnificent what you achieved in so little time with so many kids. Well done and once again, Thank You.

Loula Petrou-Veschi, Parent


An amazing performance by all the children. We loved watching our daughter Priyal perform so well. Thank you so much for organising this wonderful event.

Mrs Soin, Parent


Fantastic and brilliant performance from the children. My child enjoyed every minute of the music and drama workshop and she’s looking forward to continue during the Easter Holiday. Thank you Ms Antoniades and to your Team for encouraging and bringing the best out of my child and every child on the workshop.

Mrs Henrietta Edomioya, Parent


The boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I could instantly see Rohan had gained a confidence boost by doing the extra parts. The singing was great. You did an amazing job, with the 20 odd children you had to coach could not have been easy! But you did a fantastic job. Look forward to the next opportunity

Kiran Kanda, Parent


Absolutely amazing! Just incredible that a teacher can achieve this with the children over 2 days!! Many congratulations all round!!

Monika Raudnitz


Miss Antoniades is a very talented teacher

If she was a DVD she would have many special features

She sings better than Beyonce and Shakira

If they were in a singing competition they would fear her

Hope, Year 5