Author Talks in Schools

I have had a great time visiting schools offering author talks, Q&A and story-telling sessions. The children love hearing about the laters capers of Cally & Jimmy and stories from the Invincible Voices ‘shorts’ collections. We’ve also explored the dramatic structure of stories using the ‘Story Mountain’ (or Aristotelian Arc) and shared lots of writing tips. I’ve really enjoyed answering everyone’s author questions which range from What was your favourite childhood book? to Do you write in pencil or on a computer?

I have visited local schools in Hounslow, and many schools outside of London,  across the UK and even some in Cyprus!

Will your school be next? If you’d like me to visit your school, please do mention me to the Literacy Leader or a member of the senior management team. And don’t just wait for World Book Day in March. Every school day should be a book day.

Click to download information on Zoe’s workshops

Mall Workshops Magazine Feature

Feature in the Mall School’s Mallian Magazine

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Reay September 2017 (2)

Waldegrave July 2018 IMG_3742

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Warren Mead July 2018 003  Warren Mead July 2018 002

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IMG_3688 IMG_3687 IMG_3686 IMG_3685 Mall Workshops May 2017

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One comment

  • Claire Zahra


    I am Year 3 Team Lead at Nishkam School and I have seen your workshops before at my previous school. Some of my class had their work published in one of your books! They were so inspired and I would love for you to be able to visit Nishkam too. Would it be okay for my English lead to get in touch with you?

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